Chapter 1: “If Then, Why Not Now?” 

Blanca Stern (nee Schreiber) and Necha (Natalie) Gluck (nee Dux) who arrived from Austria, aged eight and ten respectively, in 1938.

Blanca Stern and Necha Gluck came over in 1938 to escape Hitler’s Europe as part of a scheme for Orthodox Jewish children. Eithne links this to the campaign of Lord Dubs, one of 10,000 children who came over on the Kindertransport, to bring over children adrift across Europe. Blanca's family reunited with their children; Necha was not so fortunate.

Photo: Gershon Dux and Rivkah Dux (nee Hacker), parents of Necha (Natalie) Gluck (nee Dux): Courtesy of Rabbi Herschel Gluck, OBE

Watch a clip from the film Home about Blanca's experience of leaving Austria on the Kindertransport and making a home in London.

Watch two clips from the film Child Migrants Welcome? where Rabbi Gluck talks of his mother's experience of coming to London on the Kindertransport and the impact on him of her profound sense of loss at leaving her parents behind.


Chapter 2