Child Migrant Stories is producing a series of podcasts to highlight child migrants' experiences, past and present, and how UK governments, institutions, press and individuals can better support the needs and aspirations of unaccompanied asylum-seeking youth and families with children under 18. These will include readings from, and by those featured in, Child Migrant Voices in Modern Britain - Oral Histories 1930s to the Present Day

We invite those with lived experience, working with, or researching the lives of, child migrants to contribute to interviews online or in-person on one or more of the following:

1) The need for government to:

a) provide safe routes
b) implement speedier, child appropriate asylum processes/age assessments
c) provide child/family appropriate accommodation including with foster carers
d) address injustice of HO Windrush scandal on child migrants' citizenship rights
e) apply child rights legislation e.g. UNCRC and Children Act 1989

2) The impact of:

a) war on children and the need for appropriate support/therapy
b) family separation and speedier, less restricted family reunion
d) racism including during the riots of summer 2024
e) no recourse to public funds for mothers and children

3) A focus on:

a) specific communities e.g. Eritrean, Afghan, Somali, Kurdish Alevi, Sudanese
b) challenges faced by young female migrants e.g. FGM, trafficking, forced/marriage
c) rural versus urban migration
d) education
e) children's agency, resilience and creativity

We are planning a mix of short and longer interviews online or in-person. There are some funds, particularly for those with lived experience or grassroots organisations as a thank you. We would follow ethical guidelines e.g. on consent, anonymity and participants would sign off on the podcast's final version. Proposals for other ideas are welcome.

To register interest or discuss, contact Eithne Nightingale on or submit your ideas below: